The Evolution of a Tradition
Each year, the UCSB Materials Department - students, faculty, staff, and families - comes together to celebrate the life of Professor Tony Evans in the Tony Evans 5K Memorial Run. Congregating just steps away from the office Tony once occupied, participants honor his memory and his daily practice of running around the lagoon and back through campus. Some people recall fond memories of Tony, and some were after his time - but his indelible presence, his strong Welsh pride, insurmountable intelligence, and congenial demeanor continue to be felt by all. Tony and his legacy are unique. Our annual tradition of remembering this great man with a run around the lagoon as a Materials family is our unique way of saying, Here’s to you, Tony. Cheers!

2021 Materials Student Welcome Tony Evans 5K
2019 Materials Student Welcome BBQ and Tony Evans 5K
2018 Materials Student Welcome BBQ and Tony Evans 5K
2017 Tony Evans Memorial Run
2016 Tony Evans Memorial Run
2015 Tony Evans Memorial Run